What we offer - MFR Consultants
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What we offer

Our Services

Business person touching Business Intelligence icon

Business Advisory

For over 30 years, MFR Consultants has been providing Business Advisory services to public and private firms.  We focus on our client’s most pressing issues and stress the opportunities to improve their competitive advantage while reducing operational inefficiencies.  With our team of experienced management consultants, we focus on creating value and solving problems by leveraging global best practices.


Information Technology

MFR’s IT Consulting practice consists of a portfolio of technology related services that help clients achieve operational excellence through efficient IT strategy planning and implementation. MFR solves complex IT problems with solutions developed through industry standard methodologies. Our goal is to implement these services in a way that enables organizations to meet their goals, and therefore serve their clients more effectively.

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Female drawing workflow

Project Management

MFR’s highly professional PMP/Scrum-certified staff offers comprehensive Project Management Services. Our staff is experienced in a variety of methodologies including Agile and Waterfall.



Let MFR help take your business to the next level