Project Management - MFR Consultants
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Project Management

The MFR team works with our clients to develop, implement, and manage large-scale initiatives through project management office (PMO) services.

Facilitated by Project Management Institute and Scrum-certified professionals, our PMO services help to deliver projects on time and on budget.


MFR has a strong track record in the successful management of complex systems and projects. This is a result of its Strategic Investment Maximization Process (SimPro) which emphasizes cost effective management, fosters a performance culture that produces quality results, applies the test of relevance and value to every task, and uses a Web-based Information Management Portal to increase efficiency. The MFR approach and core values are centered on the following:
 Maintaining Focus on our Client’s Goals and Objectives—MFR understands the importance of understanding client goals.
 Establishing a Relationship Based on Trust— MFR believes that it is important to establish a strong working relationship with the client that is characterized by close coordination and open, trustworthy communication.
 Managing Quality Aggressively—MFR uses well-defined procedures for evaluating work processes and products to assure that it develops quality deliverables which meet client objectives, user expectations, and contract requirements. Independent and dependent quality management is integrated into everything the firm does, with each team member recognizing his or her personal responsibility as a stakeholder in the project.
 Emphasizing Deliverables—Every MFR project is based on a schedule of tangible outputs or deliverables designed to meet the client’s requirements. Each project deliverable is associated with a specific task or collection of tasks in the project plan. Interim or draft deliverables are produced on a regular basis to allow monitoring of progress toward completion of the task and production of the final deliverable. Focusing on deliverables enables the client and MFR to measure progress easily and to identify problems in their early stages.
 Maintaining Accountability—MFR Project Managers and staff are empowered and accountable. They understand and believe in a management process that provides regular progress and performance evaluations based on adherence to task plan goals and deadlines, while recognizing the need to maintain some degree of flexibility.
 Using and Maintaining Small Teams—MFR believes that the most effective way to organize and implement a project is through building small, task-specific teams. Our typical team size is three to four staff members, but may range from two to seven. The teams integrate the necessary expertise from MFR staff as the project warrants. Each team has a leader who is chosen based on functional and technical competence, as well as demonstrated leadership. These persons are the most critical members of the project team. They are responsible for coordinating specific task efforts and keeping the Project Manager informed of team progress.
 Managing Project Change—MFR’s orientation to managing change is based on the same principles used to conduct the overall project. MFR gains concurrence from individuals in accepting work tasks; involve staff in developing estimates and plans for which they will be responsible; communicate how individual deliverables and outputs contribute to the overall goals of the project; and support individuals to address problems and issues as they arise.


Scrum Master Certified Logo
Scrum Master Certified (SMC)
PMI: Project Management Professional Logo
Project Management Professional (PMP)

PMI: Certified Associate in Project Management Logo
Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)
PMI: Professional Business Analysis Certification Logo
Professional in Business Analysis (PBA)
Certified Scrum Master Logo
Certified Scrum Master (CSM)


Let MFR help take your business to the next level