Maria Roberts to Join Merakey’s Board of Directors
Just at the start of the New Year, our President and CEO Maria Frizelle Roberts had the honor of becoming the newest addition to the Merakey Board of Directors. Merakey is a non-profit leader in developmental health, behavioral health, and education by helping to provide physical, emotional, and financial support to families and communities in need. Specializing in mental health support, education and autism, intellectual and developmental disabilities, and foster care services, Merakey holds the strong belief that “It is every individual’s right to achieve growth, dignity, and fulfillment in their lives.” As an industry-leader, Merakey remains committed to helping people receive treatment and live better lives.
Maria Roberts’ addition to the Merakey Board of Directors is fitting not only due to her countless achievements and 30+ years of experience as a business owner in Philadelphia, but also because of her extensive background in healthcare. Maria received her Master’s Degree in Public Health Administration from The University of California Berkley, and is a board-certified Registered Nurse. She started her business career as a health consultant, and evolved her craft and business over the years to create what MFR is today.
If you are interested in donating or learning more about Merakey, please visit https://www.merakey.org