Blog - MFR Consultants
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MFR & World Trade Center of Greater Philadelphia

On Wednesday, President and CEO of MFR Consultants, Maria Roberts participated in the World Trade Center of Greater Philadelphia’s Member Connections event, joining industry leaders for a panel on proactively navigating the global trade landscape. As a recognized leader in business advisory and information technology...

The State of Middle Market Mergers & Acquisitions

With recent financial disruptions and recession fears, a potential door has been opened for increased dealmaking. After a lack of robust dealmaking and a slowdown in industry activity, the financial development of 2023 could lead to a brighter outlook for M&A activity. Historically, an uncertain...

Neurodiversity in the Workplace: A Guide to Inclusion 

In today's rapidly evolving workplace landscape, conversations around diversity and inclusion have taken center stage. Among the critical components of diversity is neurodiversity, which refers to individuals with varying neurological conditions. This blog post delves into the significance of supporting neurodiversity in the workplace, explores...

The Current and Future State of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare 

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has garnered significant attention recently, propelled by innovations such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT, Google’s Bard, and Med-PaLM 2, among others. In particular, the healthcare industry, grappling with high overhead costs, supply chain challenges, and a shortage of qualified professionals, has become a focal...

How Governments are Using AI to Streamline Process Improvement

Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies are invaluable tools for streamlining process improvement and operational efficiency strategies within federal, state, and local governments. AI, utilizing cutting-edge technology, performs tasks that typically require human intelligence....

What is SaferStops?

SaferStops by MFR Consultants is an acoustic gunshot recognition technology with a unique mission: protecting police officers during traffic stops. Our technology integrates physical hardware, software, and a mobile application to recognize, react, and respond to gunfire during a traffic stop. ...