Maria Roberts - MFR Consultants
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Maria Frizelle Roberts

President & CEO

Maria Frizelle Roberts, RN, MPH, is the President & Chief Executive Officer of MFR Consultants, Inc. (MFR). A former health care executive, she is an expert in management consulting with a specific focus in program & project management, performance management, business process optimization, business strategy and execution, as well as organizational analysis (managerial and productivity). Ms. Roberts currently leads an interdisciplinary team of highly educated and experienced professionals; the strength and versatility of which enables the firm to cater to a diverse client base.

Ms. Roberts attended the University of Pennsylvania and received a Bachelor of Science degree from St. Joseph's University with a concentration in Sociology and is a member of the Alpha Kappa Delta International Sociology Honor Society. In addition, she is a board certified licensed Registered Nurse and received her Master’s Degree from the University of California, at Berkeley with a concentration in Public Health Administration. She also received her certificate in Supply Chain Management from Dartmouth University’s Tuck School, a certificate in Project Management from Temple University and her SCRUM master certification from the SCRUM alliance.

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